Rick Axtell标志着bwin体育学院社区的里程碑


A man wearing a tan sports coat and blue shirt and tie poses for a photo in front of a brick building.

Rick Axtell’s service to the Centre community has extended beyond his religion classes and even his work as a chaplain. 他主持过几十场婚礼, led memorial services and helped mark the most significant life moments for a generation of students, 同事和朋友.



It’s not the clocks or calendars we surround ourselves with that truly measure our lives: it’s the milestones that stand as waypoints in our memory.

That has been true throughout human existence from cave paintings to oral family histories to Instagram reels.

12月你在哪里. 1989年7月3日晚7点55分.m.?

谁还记得? But that amazing dessert you shared with your closest friend just as the first snow of the year started to fall — that moment plays in your memory like a home movie.

从文化上讲,我们会纪念许多与众不同的事件. 我们庆祝成就、婚礼和转变. 我们哀悼失去和离开.

在电影和书籍中, 我们喜欢想象在这些时刻有人会和我们在一起, 标注意义. 文学中充满了这些存在:命运, 合唱, 观察人士, 哨兵和守护天使——或者那些非常人性化的安慰或优雅的调解人, 甚至可能是我们生活中习惯性停顿的意义塑造者.

在过去的三十年里, bwin体育学院社区已经有了自己的一个角色——里克·阿克塞尔, 谁将在五月退休.

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芝加哥人芝加哥地区的本地人, Axtell initially taught at Centre in 1992-93 and returned to the college in 1995 where he has remained since. 当H. W. 小Stodghill. 阿黛尔·H. 斯托吉尔宗教教授和大学牧师, 他于2003年和2008年被评为bwin体育bwin体育, 并于2000年和2015年获得柯克卓越教学奖. In 2012, 他被《bwin体育》评为“最佳300名教授”之一, 他在2022年获得了总统卓越奖.

在加入Centre之前,Axtell获得了博士学位.D from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and completed advanced study at the University of Notre Dame.

一个穿着紧身毛衣的男人站在巨石阵前, 在一个复杂的庄园里排列着大量的古代石头.
 在这张2005年的照片中,Rick Axtell, H. W. 小Stodghill. 阿黛尔·H. Stodghill宗教教授,在国外一个学期期间站在石阵前. (图片来源:Rick Axtell)

Axtell’s career has been marked by his work to understand and to combat poverty and homelessness, 以及倡导一个优先考虑人的需要和人权的社会.  他毕生的事业受到了启发, 在某种程度上, 1976年夏天在孟加拉国打工, just five years after its bitter fight for independence from Pakistan and on the heels of one of the worst famines of the 20th century.

他在那里的所见所闻对他的教育方式产生了深远的影响, 部, 宗教和我们对待彼此的方式.  他后来在路易斯维尔的两个无家可归者收容所担任住宿助理和案件经理, 以及前往中美洲冲突地区的众多“代表团”, 这进一步塑造了他对宗教背景下社会伦理研究的热情.  人们如何利用宗教作为达到各种目的的手段, 不管是好是坏, 成为他关注的焦点

“Religion can function as a terribly harmful phenomenon that cuts off the possibility of mutual understanding and human flourishing, and religion is sometimes the deep foundation of movements for positive social change and liberation,他说. “我发现这和我能做的任何研究一样令人兴奋,一样迷人.

“因此,研究宗教伦理成了一种热情, and how religion can be the source of conflict — and horrible conflict as we see now — but also a source of peacemaking.”   Popular Centre courses like Poverty and Homelessness or Religion and Violence were opportunities to introduce students to the same questions.

Axtell’s service to the Centre community has extended beyond his religion classes and even his work as chaplain. 无数次出国留学之旅的常客, Axtell is energized by introducing students to realities that might raise similar reflection about conceptions of social justice.  同时, he takes seriously the calling he feels to help students and colleagues navigate the most impactful moments of their lives, from learning about new cultures to embarking on a marriage or facing the death of a loved one.

Rick Axtell教授, 正确的, 在2001年CentreTerm的尼加拉瓜之旅中,学生们加入了(图片来源:Rick Axtell)

阿克塞尔的话在追悼会上给人们带来了安慰, 在无数的大学活动中得到鼓励, 包括在国家或全球危机时期的校园守夜活动, 还有十几个学士学位的地址. 但他在婚姻中团结bwin体育社区成员的工作才是最引人注目的, 名单上有100多个名字.

但其中大多数远不止是有bwin体育的名字.Edu邮箱地址. 他们是学生、同事和朋友. 那些阿克塞尔指导过和一起旅行过的人... 一起欢笑,一起哭泣,一起安慰,一起庆祝.

His services match that profound connection as he weaves details from the story of their lives into the service.

“我在里面投入了很多,”他说. “我喜欢这样。. 我重视关系纽带和过程本身, 这些人是我珍惜的一生的朋友.”

当被要求进行追悼会时,阿克塞尔也会全身心地投入到这项任务中, 在他30年的职业生涯中,他已经承担了十几次这样严峻的任务. 这是服务和帮助社区的另一种形式——不仅仅是提供安慰的话, 而是在人生最艰难的时刻提供帮助.

“这是一个关键时刻,当别人需要你的时候,你可以出现在他们身边. Or you can be the person they need to organize things when everything for them is chaos and life has fallen apart,他说. “能够和他们一起度过这些时刻对我来说意义重大.”

Those moments of service — those markers that stand out in the timeline that is our lives — that’s where you will find Rick Axtell. 帮助学生了解他们是谁,他们将成为谁, 为了团结同事和亲人.

“I always say the primary root of empathy is when you are in touch with your own emotions  — your own thoughts, 你自己的恐惧, 你自己的痛苦,他说. “You realize these are among the things that are common to all of us because you know them in yourself.”








我指的是Rick Axtell主持了我和妮基的婚礼, 2007年6月, 在我们丹维尔家的后院. 但是第一句中的“我们”是一个大的“我们”. 中央书院.

让里克主持你的婚礼有点像加入中央黑手党的一个小家族, 社区中的社区. 有多少bwin体育校友、教职员工参加了这些婚礼?

It’s fitting that Rick has been there to make so many unions official: He understands the power of connection, 的社区, 工会的, and one of his great spiritual gifts is his ability to bring others into the shared spaces that bind us. 谁做了更多的工作,使bwin体育成为一个真正的社区Rick Axtell?

Centre College professor and chaplain Rick Axtell officiates the wedding ceremony of English professor John Kinkade and his wife, 妮基. (图片来源:John Kinkade)

如果你对维多利亚时代小说的记忆不太好, 我的第一句台词改编自夏洛蒂·勃朗特的《bwin体育》,她在最后一章的开头宣布了自己的婚姻. 婚礼在小说中是终点,但在生活中,它更应该被理解为开始.

I can’t count how many students have sat in my office and talked about what a magical and transformative teacher Rick Axtell has been for them. 尼基和我,以及所有里克主持过婚礼的人,都被他改变了. 他为我们指明了一条道路,正如他为他的学生指明了一条道路一样, 引领我们进入新生活.

伟大的小说所做的一件事就是提醒我们语言的力量:它是神奇的. 它使事情发生. 当你说“我愿意”的时候,你就改变了你在这个世界上的存在. 所以从这个意义上说,我和我的妻子妮基成为了语言魔术过程的一部分. 但我们婚礼上真正的魔术师是里克·阿克塞尔.

我认识的人中没人比里克·阿克塞尔说得更神奇了. When I locked Rick in as the officiant for my wedding in 2007 (the going rate at the time: a hundred bucks and a bottle of dark rum), 我知道他是一个多么神奇的演说家. 或者以为我知道. 当他在你面前的时候, 送你踏上人生中最重要的旅程, 你还没有为瑞克的咒语做好准备.

当然, I must confess this: I only remember some of what he talked about because on your wedding day you’re also thinking about whether there’s enough food, 会不会下雨, 如果每个人都舒服.  

I know our ceremony was built around “The Odyssey” because I had asked Rick to make that the reigning conceit. “The Odyssey” was the first book a generation of Centre students read upon arriving in Danville, 虽然我的妻子不是bwin体育毕业生(而且一开始, 有点担心我们是如何成为bwin体育毕业生的), 瑞克根据这个想法设计了一个仪式, 它让我们的生活变得有意义, 还有我们的爱, 以一种开始违背我自己语言的方式.

这是一首关于归乡的诗, 当然, 也是一个关于永恒爱情的故事, 一对夫妇, 还有孩子和父母. (That last part is especially important for us: we were a family of four from the day we got married.)

在众多的bwin体育教员中, 里克·阿克塞尔多年来一直主持教职员工和学生的婚礼. Hazelrigg戏剧教授Matthew Hallock和Jane Dewey(图片来源:Rick Axtell)

我认识的一些司仪都是公事公办的——把法律问题处理好,然后做完. 这一刻无论如何都很重要:瑞克有能力让它变得更重要, 充分打开情感共鸣.

我在bwin体育工作的时间够长了,我参加过好几场由里克主持的葬礼, 你也许会奇怪:我有没有想过,虽然我对死亡毫无兴趣, 至少让瑞克为我致悼词是一种安慰?


2007年秋天, 汤姆·麦昆的葬礼在威西格剧院举行, and the stage had already been set up for the student production; it was too late to take it down, the service had to take place among the doors that had been set up for the actors’ entrances and exits. 瑞克走上舞台, 不用剧本的, 打开所有的门, 这是汤姆一生中所作所为的隐喻. 我不太了解汤姆, 但当我还是个学生的时候, 他是国际项目主任, 他为我打开了那扇门, 这是我人生中最深刻的变化之一.

婚礼, 葬礼, baccalaureate sermon just before commencement: Rick Axtell has helped us make sense of the biggest moments in our lives; he has shepherded us into new understandings of who we have been, 并, 可以变成.